When God says May, He means May!

May 20th 2011 : So lets rewind the clocks backwards. Say 5 years? If my memory serves me correctly. May was the month a lot of decisions were flying over my head like birds of a feather. I had to choose what I would do after my 12th Board exams. My choices were

1. Listen to Dad and do Hotel Management and climb up the ranks with lots of hard-work.

2. Listen to my heart and do something I would love while I work hard.

3. Listen to God. This was a huge step because God never figured in my life till May 2006.

Also other choices were on the table.

Update 28th November 2019 :

I’m trying to get back to blogging. For now, I might start editing old posts with updates. Since most of my old posts were thoughts to my current self and a few were posts to a future self. 

I’m surprised how many life-changing decisions were taken in May from 2006 to 2017.

May 2006: I gave my life to Christ.
May 2011: Decided to not pursue Hotel Management and continue with Photography.
May 2013: Met my future bride Angela Abraham.
May 2017: Joined work at Stories by Joseph Radhik.